About Deprecy Ltd
DEPRECY SPECIALTY SERVICES LTD is a wholly Nigerian company incorporated under the Corporate Affairs Commission of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We are an indigenous company registered to provide integrated services ranging from turnkey Onshore and Offshore Pipeline intervention solutions to Under Pressure Leak Repairs, Hot Tapping, Composite and Structural reinforcement of crude oil storage tanks/pipelines, Pipeline/Flow-line Engineering, Fabrication and Construction, Procurement, Maintenance and Supply Services.
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    Environmental Protection Policy

    Environmental Protection Policy

    All operations of DEPRECY SPECIALTY SERVICES LTD shall be planned and executed with minimal impact to the environment in which we work. Prior to commencement of any project, detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall be carried out, and control measures put in place in order not to damage the environment and/or exacerbate existing solutions. DEPRECY SPECIALTY SERVICES LTD is out to promote and encourage plans, activities and programmes aimed at environmental preservation and protection. Our Personnel shall be under strict instruction to pay appropriate attention to the environment while carrying out any activity. All wastes generated in the course of our operations shall be collected, treated and disposed properly at designated places. The Maxim: The Environment is our common home, we must protect it’, will be observed to the letter. Minimize the impact of our operation to the environment.